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Re: changing format in structured documents


I just subscribed to this list, I hope I will get acurate help with FM
here since I'll try to help others while frame is generating a book from
my 40 Mb xml file :)

Concerning your problem, it is certainly beacause the dtd files shipped
with Frame references some declarations used by docbook dtd modules
(specifically ISO entities) using the xml catalog method. This method
has the great advantage to keep the file designation independant from
the system where it is installed, it is unfortunately not supported by
most xml tools (in fact it was a generalized way to designate resource
in SGML, but the XML spec does not define anything concerning catalog,
and most xml application use the -more recent- URI designation).

On linux boxes, the /usr/share/xml/docbook dtds indicates fallback to
filesystem path for these files :

"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN//XML"

 while DTD shipped with frameMaker don't :

"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow

So other tools than frameMaker (which implicitely knows the declaration
of these elements) cannot use these DTDs since 1 - they are able to use
xml catalog scheme 2 - you provide a catalog with entries for
identifiers declared in structure/xml/xdocbook/app/dbcentx.mod of your
frame installation

As a workaround, you may install another docbook dtd package
(http://www.docbook.org/xml/4.1.2/docbkx412.zip) and reference these
from your xml file rather that those of FrameMaker.

Hope this helps.


Le jeu 25/11/2004 à 14:22, The PHOENIXTN ICT Team a écrit :
> Dear colleagues,
> After receiving valuable help from many of you inside and outside the list, I'm little by little climbing my learning curve while working with structured documents in FM. I've managed to create a new structured file based on XDocBook application included with FM, to change and apply new format rules and a number of other tasks. Thanks indeed for your help.
> Now, once I've a valid FM document, I've tried to save it as XML and open it with other XML editors (namely, XMLmind Standard Edition v2.8 and XMLSPY Home Edition version 2004 rel. 3.) Both programs give errors when opening the produced XML file. Microsoft Internet Explorer gives an error, Mozilla 1.7.1 and Opera 7.50 open it but doesn't show any structure. I'm guessing the errors with the Internet Browsers have a relationship with how they try to renderize the XML file.
> Here the messages:
> *****
> XMLmind Standard Edition v2.8
> http://sr.phoenixtn.net/@rrodriguez/images/XMLMind_error1.jpg
> *****
> XMLSPY (errors while validating the file)
> http://sr.phoenixtn.net/@rrodriguez/images/XMLSPY_error1.jpg
> http://sr.phoenixtn.net/@rrodriguez/images/XMLSPY_error2.jpg
> http://sr.phoenixtn.net/@rrodriguez/images/XMLSPY_error3.jpg
> *****
> Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.2800
> The XML page cannot be displayed 
> Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Access is denied. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Program%20Files/Adobe/FrameMaker7.0/structure/xml/xdocbook/app/docb...
> ]>
> *****
> Please, could you help to solve this problems? Thanks in advance!
> Ricardo
> --
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    Stéphane Bonhomme           --           Exselt Services

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