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RE: Inter-book links with FM > PDF

Hi Becky,

Becky Swanson wrote:
--> a) I have all of my .book files in the same directory, with 
-->    relative paths to the individual file directories (_user, 
-->    _setup, _ref, etc.).
--> b) I have all the .book files open when I generate PDF.
--> c) I always accept the default PDF filename.
--> d) All PDF files are stored in the same directory.

The key to working inter-book links is an identical directory structure of
the FM and PDF files. I guess you have no other choice but to "mirror" the
directory structure of the CD for your FM files... But maybe there's some
fancy PDF tool too that can search/replace link targets in PDF files...
Unfortunately I don't know any of those tools :-(


Marcus Baake
Product Development - Technical Documentation
IMPRESS SOFTWARE AG, Hannover, Germany

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