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RE: FM7 crashes when trying to open a file

Thanks for the suggestions.

I tried the Heroic Open command (love that name) but no dice. Also tried
importing the bad file into another FM document but it still crashes.

Lynne's suggestion that a structure element has conditions applied improperly
is sounding like the culprit. The fact that I can open the file with
structure off supports this. We recently converted many FM7 documents to
structure and this was one of them.

Another bug I ran into involved conditions, structure and tables. If you
apply one condition to a table structure and then another condition to a
specific row, FM will crash if it tries to hide the table structure condition
but show the row condition (which of course doesn't make any sense to do

I've traced the problem files to an original file in a book we released a few
weeks ago. One of the writers opened the file to copy some text out and saved
the file after. It's possible the file became corrupted when it was saved
(network giving out at that exact time perhaps?). Luckily we had an IT backup
to draw from, between when the file was finalized and the day the problem


> Have you tried the "Open Heroic" technique? 

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