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Re: How to count words in a book?

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From: "Bill Courington" <billcour@xxxxxxxxx>
> I am very tired of counting words chapter by chapter. Is there a script
> or other means to count words in a book, omitting generated files? I have
> access to Solaris, Windows, and Mac versions of Frame 7. 

From: "Ann Zdunczyk" <azdunczyk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sounds like you need Bruce Foster's Plug-in, BookInfo.
> http://home.pacifier.com/~bfoster/

Note that BookInfo simply calls the built-in word count function,
for each file in the book, and gives you the total.
I'm not teribly impressed by the built-in word count, and there's
no way to customize it, if you want an exact word count or wish
to control how words are counted.

Since Bill has access to UNIX, there's an alternative: my MIF script
"mifwords". You first save the book to MIF by using the script
"fm2mif" and then run mifwords on the resulting UNIX MIF files.
"mifwords" can skip text in Text Lines, skip paragraphs in TOC,
include words in index markers, and other options.

There is a caveat: My MIF scripts haven't been tested at all for FM 7,
and very limited for FM 6, and not at all for structured files.
However, the basic MIF structure hasn't changed, and I'd be surprised
if the scripts wouldn't run or give the wrong results.

For more info on my command-line UNIX scripts, see:

Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
Technical Communicator, Uppsala, Sweden

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