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Kluge around format problem with long TOC entries

I'm generating a TOC that has the following formatting problem:

   Table of Contents

   1. Chapter One Title Text Goes Here.......1
   2. Chapter Two Title Text Goes Here.......3
   3. Chapter Three Title Text Goes Here But
      It Is Big and Long and Wraps Around 5

Here, Chapter 1, 2, and 3 start on pages 1, 3, and 5, respectively.
My Heading1TOC paragraphs have a right-justified tabstop (with "dot"
leader) for the page number.  The problem is, if the paragraph text
wraps around to the 2nd line, the tabstop is not recognized.
Consequently, the tab before the page number doesn't do anything, and
the page number is placed immediately after the paragraph text.  I can
kluge my way around it by putting double-tabs before the page number.
Is there a more orthodox way, or should I care?


P.S.  Sent to comp.text.frame, framers@xxxxxxxxx, and adobe.framemaker
Fred Ma
Dept. of Electronics, Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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