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Re: [FrameSGML] XML Schema Vs XML DTDs

DW Emory wrote:

It's my understanding that even the latest version of FM does not support XML Schemas, and there is little likelihood that future versions of FM will support them either.

Seems a reasonable assumption - unless there is a secret battalion of coders rewriting Frame to process Unicode natively.


When you examine the limitations of DTDs described in the second document you can see that a DTD-conformant document may not correspond with the more demanding requirements of the schema for the database in which that document is to be stored. This strongly suggests that your documents should conform to an XML Schema that can track the evolution of the database schema.

Um, up to a point. If you happen to choose or be stuck with using Frame for an application which will use a schema-based data store to hold its XML output, it would be best to track that schema as closely as possible. There are a variety of tools (XML Spy is probably the most widely-used) which will help you do that.

However, if the schema requires things that are not deliverable within the Frame-based application - in particular, constraints on the format/ length of data fields - 'close' won't be close enough. If you *must* use Frame in this situation you're going to need XSL/Omnimark post-processing *and* human intervention (to evaluate exceptions) to get an XML instance file which the destination will accept.

In practice I suggest that this isn't often an issue. Document-centric systems tend to not put data type and length constraints on element content, while data-centric systems do, because the latter are mainly using XML as a mule to cart data from one traditional relational database system to another. But why would you use FrameMaker for a data-centric application?


Mark Barratt
Text Matters

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