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Re: Adobe FrameMaker End-of-Life for Macintosh Platform

The news was not unexpected, as has been pointed out repeatedly.

What is news is that Adobe has finally come clean about this. And that kind of clarification, after all, was what many of us clamored for, even if the verdict went against us. At least we know now where we stand.

I like to imagine that Dov did have a hand in that. I can't imagine for a minute that he enjoyed having to toe the line on what previous press releases did and didn't say. He's been much too invested in this group, and the product, to have taken it lightly.

It seems like the best thing now is to think about what's next, realistically: cross-platform solutions, for those who need it; and long document capabilities for others.

I just hope that enough pressure can be placed on the InDesign group to take this seriously.

-- Victor Caston

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
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solum nihil effugit rationem entis

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