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RE: Generating inactive Cross references

Concretely, I use cross-references to insert link toward precise sections of
my documentation but I also use them to insert words I manage in a single
glossary file. I'm trying to do that in order to save time when updating my
documentation. Effectively, when a glossary word change, I just have to
change the word in the glossary file to change all the words in my
documentations. So, these cross-references do not need to be active
hypertext links because I do not use them for navigation but for
The only solution I found is to color in blue cross-references inserted for
navigation and color in black single-sourcing cross-references. But my PDF
files handle both cross-references as hyperlinks, if I click a
single-sourcing cross-reference an error message displays "xxx file not

I do not know if it was right to handle cross-reference for single-sourcing
but variables are not easy to manage. Furthermore, I really need a
single-sourcing solution to manage my docs in english and french.

Vincent Hurtel
Rédacteur Technique
vhurtel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:vhurtel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
01 41 27 68 26

InStranet Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Michanek [mailto:thomas.michanek@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: mercredi 18 février 2004 18:45
To: Framers (E-mail); Vincent Hurtel
Subject: Re: Generating inactive Cross references

> I use cross-references to designate words but do not want these one to
> behaviour as active hypertext links.

Have you thought about using Variables instead of cross-refs?
If you describe in more detail what it is you're referencing
and what your goal is, we could suggest other solutions.
(You either get no or all cross-refs as links in a PDF)

Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
Technical Communicator, Uppsala, Sweden

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