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Re: Mac FrameMaker - Adobe Rep Confirms Demise

At 11:54 AM -0600 15/02/04, Peter Gold wrote:
When the inventor of the xerographic process showed it to IBM, they hired a consultant who took a year to research whether or not to license it. The research showed that there was no market for a plain-paper copy process, that nobody had a need, or could imagine what value it might have for them over the then-current photostat method.

So the inventor took his stuff to Ilford, an English photographic materials manufacturer (the British counterpart to Eastman Kodak) who did license it, and the rest is history.

... and in a similar vein...

When Steve Jobs and the people at Apple went for the tour of Xerox PARC, they understood in the first two minutes of seeing the GUI what Xerox staff had been unable to convince management of in two years. And we know what happened there too.

I think FrameMaker could take a LOT more of the book pub market if it only had some tlc and a bit of a sales effort. We all know how good it is, and others are out there to be shown.

- web

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