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Re: .texi file conversion

> Has anyone run across any tools for converting .texi files
> (I believe they're created by GNU Emacs and/or LATEX) to
> either a clean uncoded format (ASCII would be fine) or a
> format that preserves coding (such as .RTF or HTML) or even
> something, maybe a printer driver, that outputs them as
> .PS or .PDF?

It's called "Texinfo" http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/

The software is available for most Un*x style systems,
including MacOS X, and there's also a Windows port at

Install Texinfo on your system, and use the makeinfo
utility to create plain text, HTML, or DocBook. If you
really want PS or PDF, you'll need to install TeX and
use texi2dvi --pdf to create it.

Texinfo, IMO, was a good early attempt to create a
single-source documentation system... but certainly
not my first preference for a tag-based system for
several reasons.

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, ARRIS
"Content creators are the engine that drives
value in the information life cycle."
    -- Barry Schaeffer, on XML-Doc

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