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Re: Unexpected font size changes in PDF

This problem arises again.

It appears to me one year ago. Then it appears to Klaus Mueller six months

The problem is not with the printer or the fonts; it is the Adobe printer
Who found the solution was Klaus: installing a printer using Adobe PS 4.3.1
will print in the correct size.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Isak Tenenboym" <itenenbo@adobe.com>
To: "Framers List" <framers@FrameUsers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Unexpected font size changes in PDF

> > Hello Framers,
> >
> > I prepared a document for a client today that included a table of
> > The FM document included a dot leader for the chapter titles, which was
> > correctly passed on to the PDF, however the font size appeared to be
> > slightly larger (wider) in the PDF.
> Could it be that the default printer is set to some real printer, when
> you're viewing the document on screen, and that you select "Acrobat
> Distiller" printer only for the PDF generation? If this is the case you
> should get an alert that the fonts may have changed.
> On Windows FrameMaker enumerates all fonts available on the system,
> including fonts installed on the default printer. If you change the
> printer to "Acrobat Distiller", the fonts installed on a real printer
> become unavailable and FrameMaker substitutes them with a similar but not
> exactly the same fonts, and repaginates the document, which may produce
> the effect that you experience, and in some cases even more severe changes
> like different line or page breaks.
> I understand that you're not using "Save as PDF", which is not recommended
> in FrameMaker 6.
> For those of you who use "Save as PDF" in Frame 7, please, keep in mind
> that FrameMaker 7 in this case may substitute fonts silently (without an
> alert), so be beware, check the look of the document with "Acrobat
> Distiller" selected as default printer before you "Save as PDF", or print
> to a PS file for manual distillation.
> Isak Tenenboym.
> > In the original FM document, there was
> > space for three dots between the end of the chapter title and the page
> > number. In the PDF, there was no space for any dots, and the page number
> > came immediately after the chapter title in the ToC. The result was
> > unacceptable and I had to use a workaround to get it right.
> >
> > I've generally had good results with FM to PDF and am wondering what
> > have caused this. Any ideas?
> >
> > For this project, I was using FM 6.0 (client has not upgraded to 7.0
> > and printing manually to a watched folder using Acrobat Distiller. The
> > options are set to print quality, and all fonts are embedded. Had the
> > appeared wrong on another computer, I would have some ideas, but the
> > problem was evident on the same computer that produced the FM document
> > (Pentium II, Windows 98SE).
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> >
> > ----------
> > Steve Murphy
> > http://www.murphus.com
> > Adobe Certified Expert:
> >     FrameMaker 7.0
> > Certified Technical Trainer
> > Adobe Certified Training Provider
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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