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I am totally confused...

I am having a hard time figuring out a problem and I was wondering if
someone out there can direct me. 

Basic information:
1. Frame 556/Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Japanese OS
2. All of our documents are set up with the title of the chapter as Flow B
and the main body of the document is Flow A
3. Before we create PDF's we import the pdfTemplates onto each of the files
in the book and have created a tool to do so automatically using the FDK,
key code in the tool:

F_ApiSimpleImportFormats(docId, useTemplateId, FF_UFF_PGF | FF_UFF_FONT |

4. We have never had any problems with this until now.

I have a Japanese book that is causing problems - when the tool is run on
the files, both the TOC and the IX end up with Flow A and Flow B overlapping
so the text of the TOC and IX end up at the top of the file and the title is
still in the same place. Now in order to try and figure out why I have done
many different things including saving the files as mif and then back again
as fm, opening TOC's and IX's that I know work and saving them with the
filename of the ones that are causing problems, testing on different
machines, doing the importing manually instead of using the tool. All of
which has led me to the following:

Importing Manually on Japanese machine - OK
Importing using the tool on Japanese machine - BAD
Importing Manually on English machine - OK
Importing using the tool on English machine - BAD
Importing manually or using the tool with any other books on either machine
and all is fine

I have narrowed it down to the FF_UF_PAGE which is used to import page
layouts which of course makes sense why it could be causing a problem (I
have checked the returns from F_ApiSimpleImportFormats and it returns
successful), but I can't figure out where to go from here...any ideas out
there other than trying to reinstall Frame?

Sue Mitchell
Writing Support Specialist
Cognos, Inc
613-738-1338 x5461

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