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Re: TOC links to heads (Frame>PDF)


I've been waay down in my hours of FrameMaker lately and I know I'm prone to complete hallucination when it comes to memory, but doesn't FrameMaker already create links automatically when you generate the Acrobat Data in the .ps file destined for Distiller? Is your TOC autogenerated?

Perhaps you're suffering from a small active area, but look for the "good" finger when you hover over the page numbers in the PDF. You can further maximize the active link area by minimizing character differences in the line.

Shlomo Perets has a lot of information on his web site (http://www.microtype.com) and some illuminating courses on this and related subjects: all things Frame to PDF.

His courses are highly recommended, check him out on one of his upcoming USA tours. (He may not be quite as exciting as Superchunk, the Misfits, or PJ Harvey, but you'd have a better chance of expensing the trip to Shlomo's seminar than you would any rock bands. Plus, I don't remember learning any Framese at a concert.)

Not sure why Frame is launching when you click your PDF links. That's curious behavior there.


>>> Bart Windrum <bart.windrum@DiogenesInc.com> 01/18/02 10:49AM >>>
at the risk of weighing down the list with one too many questions this week
(trying to square away lots of issues so as to complete core templates
before getting into major writing mode)...

I'm wondering what universe to explore to learn what to do so that, in a PDF
file generated from a Frame book, the TOC entries are linked (eg, function
as bookmarks? In other words: in addition to PDF bookmarks, I want those
using the PDF file to be able to click on any TOC entry on the contents page
in that file and have the entry function as a link to the content, just as
the bookmarks do (I find a well-formatted TOC easier on the eyes).

When I .ps'd the book generating hyperlinks, clicking them in the PDF TOC
page wants to open the frame doc rather than scroll the pdf file (I cannot
say w/certainty what setting I used to get that far; it's been a
mind-draining solo week in Frame/PDF/Printing land :)

>From perusing the dox the closest thing seems to be "hyperlinks to specific
topics." If so, will there be a way to embed any of the "smarts" in the
heading tags so that markers are made automatically?

Bart Windrum
Diogenes Inc.
Denver Development Office
410 17th St. #1380
Denver CO 80202

720 904 2321 x125
fax 720 904 9032

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