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Re: Problem with fontdisplay on UNIX, 2

> I have no *.bfont and no *.abf files of the font.

You don't need any. BFONT files are optimized bitmaps for screen display
at a particular font size. They will improve the display somewhat, but
you cannot create them by yourself, and they are not needed for proper
screen display.

> As a test, I replaced the *.pfa with the *.pfb-file of the font and changed
> the fontlist-file accordingly. Then the correct characters were shown on
> screen, but they are no longer properly scaled (they have a fixed size
> regardlass of the defined fontsize).

PFB files are not officially supported by the font display engine in
FrameMaker on UNIX (a sort of built-in version of the ATM rasterizer).
But your experiment shows that the problem is with the PFA files, and
not with the font itself. I would guess that the PFB-to-PFA conversion
software that you use cannot properly handle the modified character
encoding of your font, thereby creating an incorrect PFA file.
If this is a commercial font for which you have a valid license, try
to get a proper PFA file from the font vendor.

> I think it is really a FrameMaker problem, since I can use the fonts with
> ghostscript and with the graphing package Grace (which uses t1lib).

Do these software use the PFA or the PFB files? If they use the PFB files,
it supports my suspicion above. If they use the PFA, then I don't know.

> I think, we cann't use the psres-installation procedure for fonts on our
> AIX boxes.

But have you tried? You won't destroy anything by trying it; just backup
your existing fontlist files before deleting all references to your
added font. (You must do this for the "psres" method to work.)

If you wish, you could send me the font files and I can test the font
on my Solaris 7 system with FM 5.5.6.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Michanek, FrameMaker/UNIX/MIF expert
Technical Writer, IAR Systems, Uppsala, Sweden
http://go.to/framers/    (updated on Oct. 11)
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