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RE: Structured Read/Write Rules Files?

Stupid me. ;)

I already had Lynne Price's structured read/write rules EDD and template.
Thought I only downloaded the modified metaEDD from her. Got to keep track of
all the things I download.

Thanks Lynne. ;)

Eric L. Dunn

"Steve Schwedland" <steve@noonetime.com> on 2001-12-05 06:20:31 PM

Lynne Price put together a structured r/w rules file and a better EDD
Template.  You can find them both at:


I use them both and am very happy with them.


Stephen L. Schwedland                   steve@noonetime.com
Noonetime - Realized Energy        phone: 303-291-0230
Denver, CO                         direct: 720-394-1016
USA                                http://www.noonetime.com

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