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RE: Hint and question: Variable for product name in manual

> We us a variable for our product name in our manuals. [...]
> When we have to publish a new product manual we have to open one of the book
> files, open the name variable and type the new name. Then we import the
> variable to the whole book. [...]
> Suppose you could say if
> conditional text is Polaris then use variable name "Polaris".

Verner, if I'm reading you correctly you already use conditional text
in your manuals for the different product names. In the cases where
the product name is used in the conditional parts, you *could* type
the product name directly in the text (even though a variable would
be safer to use if the product name ever changes). But if you have
generic, un-conditional parts in the manuals, that wouldn't work.
So it's always better to use a variable for the product name.

To avoid manually changing the variable's value all the time, I
propose the following:
1. Make a "template" document for each of the products, that you
   only use for importing formats from.
2. In each template document, include the product variable and all
   the product conditional tags. Set the variable's value and the
   Show/Hide settings for the conditional tags, reflecting that
   particular product. Example for the product Polaris:
   Variable value: "Polaris".
   Show Polaris conditional tag, Hide Saturn & Pyxis tags.

You only have to do the above once. When you are to start working on
a manual, open the book file and the corresponding template document.
>From the template, import Variables and Conditions to all files.

You still have to import formats, but you do it only once from the
same template document. I hope this solves your problem.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Michanek, Technical Writer
IAR Systems AB, Sweden: http://www.iar.com
Tel: +46 18 167800, Fax: +46 18 167838
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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