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Re: 2-UP Process Optimization

Charles Dowdell wrote :

>> I am currently trying to decide the best way to set some booklets as 2-up on
>> 8.5 x11 paper. The docutec folks are urging me (and I see their point) to
>> set it up for them in the PDF or Postscript printer resource files.
>> What have other folks done to accomplish this in the best way?

And Dov proposed using Quite Imposing.

Well, even small, that is an investment that should be justified by regular

For occasional purpose, we once set up an imposing process that worked with
any pdf-importing DTP program. The point was to import a "source" pdf book
into a "target" sheet bearing the "flat" final output format (for ex. 2-UP).
Now this works as a fully professional tool.

The advantage of this is that you do not need any special software, but
those you already use for page layout -- FrameMaker 6 for example, and of
course Acrobat Distiller.

As I have already explained this on the FreeFramers list, this is only a
reminder. "How to details" will be sent on demand.

Slobodan Despot

PS. I am aware, Dov, of the colour managing problem that occurs when you
import pdf pages into FM6. But you don't print a photographer's portfolio
with a docutec or other such devices.


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