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Re: Inaccurate rant [was: Will Ghostscript...]

1. Adobe has apparently left as much of Acrobat Capture in place as
there ever was in version 3.0x/Windows. My error; I'm so used to working
Windoze on one hand and Mac on the other with Acrobat and FrameMaker
that I made an incorrect assumption based on some Mac/Acrobat
expectations (Mac/Frame 5.x CD included full Acrobat 3.0.1 and that
meant Capture among the Acrobat installables). 

My apologies to Adobe and Dov!

(Note to self: verify *before* venting.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ridder, Fred [mailto:Fred.Ridder@Dialogic.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:27 PM
To: Deborah Snavely
Subject: RE: Will Ghostscript let me dump plain text out of a PostScript

>Adobe has betrayed my confidence by packaging Acrobat Capture
>from the Acrobat 4.0 "full product", sigh, 

Is that really true? I just stuck my Acrobat 4.05 CD into my laptop and 
launched setup.exe. On the Acrobat 4.05 Setup window of the install
wizard, I clicked Custom, then Next to explore what's available. If I
Acrobat Program Files and click Change to look inside that group, one
of the five items listed is "Acrobat Capture Plugin" with a size of
That sure looks like the Capture tool to me... 

My opinions only; I don't speak for Dialogic or Intel...
Fred Ridder (Fred.Ridder@Dialogic.com)
Senior Publishing System Analyst
Dialogic, an Intel company
Parsippany, NJ

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