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Re: Tools question: Scenario for multiple outputs and validation of i nput (A correction)

The following is what I originally sent.
1. To create structured documents with extensive attributes
     that are exportable as well-formed XML (that perhaps conforms to a
     particular "universal" interchange DTD) for input to the database
     repository.That involves originating new documents, as well as
     retrieving and importing whole documents or "chunks" that require
     updating and editing before being returned to the database
     repository as XML. All links/cross-references would point to
     the URIs for RDFs. If the referenced RDF is embedded in the
     document or chunk (i.e., an external link), clicking on the link
     retrieves from the database the link source pointed to by the RDF.

Here is the corrected version (addition of NOT in line 8):
1. To create structured documents with extensive attributes
     that are exportable as well-formed XML (that perhaps conforms to a
     particular "universal" interchange DTD) for input to the database
     repository.That involves originating new documents, as well as
     retrieving and importing whole documents or "chunks" that require
     updating and editing before being returned to the database
     repository as XML. All links/cross-references would point to
     the URIs for RDFs. If the referenced RDF is NOT embedded in the
     document or chunk (i.e., an external link), clicking on the link
     retrieves from the database the link source pointed to by the RDF.

| Nullius in Verba |
Dan Emory, Dan Emory & Associates
FrameMaker/FrameMaker+SGML Document Design & Database Publishing
Voice/Fax: 949-722-8971 E-Mail: danemory@primenet.com
10044 Adams Ave. #208, Huntington Beach, CA 92646
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