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My limited experience is that it's easier than you think.

Because of the rush to market, a lot of 'XML' is in fact SGML with a
different header, and maybe (but not always) in Unicode or ISO-8859.

If you have an XML editor such as XMetal and an XML schema editor such
as XML Authority you should be able to do lots of opens and cross-saves
so that you end up with matching DTDs in XML and SGML, and the ability
to open an XML file and save it to SGML so you can then open it in

If you have more than a very few documents, you're probably best getting
one of the gurus on this list to build you a translator to act as a
processing machine to get files from one format into another.

Still a fuss, and we were all hoping FM6 would... (no, no, or I'll get

Mark Barratt

Larry Kollar wrote:
> Lefebvre, Christophe wrote:
> >I was just wondering if there was some way to edit XML with FM+SGML 5.5.6 ?
> >Or do I have to buy FM+SGML 6 (or just buy Quadralay WebWorks® Publisher
> >Standard Edition :-) )
> I think what you're after is called "round-trip" -- it's possible
> with SGML but I've heard that there are a few issues trying that
> with XML. Using Unicode is one of the biggest, since FrameMaker can't
> deal with Unicode. Another is that FrameMaker+SGML will insist on
> valid, rather than simply well-formed, documents. But the biggest
> problem of all is that FrameMaker does not *import* XML unless you
> can disguise it as a valid SGML document.
> You could use FrameMaker to create and maintain your documents, then
> export to XML as necessary. That's probably the easiest way.
>         Larry
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