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Re: Find/Change


I would approach your "macro" question using FrameScript.  Check out:

(I am just a VERY satisfied customer.)

A FrameScript script (macro) can be written to do exactly what you want.
In fact, there may already be one available as freeware or shareware. 


"Kornacki, Alec" wrote:
> Hello all,
> Is there a way that I can search for a specific character attribute and
> apply a character tag to the text? For example, can I search for text that
> is superscript, and then apply a character format? I know how to search for
> the character properties, it's the replacement part I'm having trouble with.
> I will be using this character format later to convert to SGML.
> Additionally, can I create a macro (like a VB in MSWord) that would do
> multiple iterations, again like in Word?
> Then one last question, sorry to be a hog...  Can you import character
> styles from Word that would work just like a paragraph style (that is, the
> character style from Frame is used)?
> TIA for the help.
> Regards,
> Alec Kornacki
> Product Manager,
> Digital Prepress
> Cadmus

Jay Smith

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